How Do I Know If I Have an Anger Problem? 

Everyone feels a little angry now and then. It’s normal to get upset when someone does something to harm you or a loved one or feel frustrated when things don’t go your way. But when you find yourself feeling angry over every minor convenience, and your responses start to affect other areas of your life, you may need some help. 

You might be asking, “How do I know if I have an anger problem?” While there’s no substitute for a professional diagnosis, if you notice the following behaviors, consider getting help. You can call In Balance Counseling, a leader in counseling services in Tucson, AZ, at (520) 722-9631 to make an appointment to see a professional. 

Common Types of Anger

People can experience anger in different ways and intensities. There are three primary types of anger.

  • Inward anger, in which you direct your feelings internally and punish yourself with negative self-talk and self-denial.
  • Outward anger, where you express your feelings physically and verbally toward other people and things.
  • Passive anger, also known as passive-aggressive behavior, where you express your anger by giving silent treatment, sarcasm, sulking, and other behaviors meant to make others feel bad. 

If you struggle with anger, you may experience one or all of these types. 

Signs You Need Help Managing Your Anger 

Feeling angry is normal, so it can be hard to answer, “How do I know if I have an anger problem?” There are some signs that you struggle with anger to watch for, including:

  • Your reactions aren’t equal to the situation; in other words, small or petty things set you off 
  • Hurting people physically or verbally 
  • Regretting your behavior after you calm down 
  • Taking out your feelings on innocent people or objects 
  • Feeling out of control 
  • Feeling angry most of the time 
  • Physical symptoms, like increased blood pressure, sweating, headaches, and heart palpitations 
  • Others have spoken to you about your anger 
  • Trouble with jobs, relationships, or other aspects of your life because of your anger 

If any of these statements apply to you, consider getting professional help to learn new skills for anger management.

Do You Have Intermittent Explosive Disorder? 

Some people have a mental health condition that causes them to have sudden outbursts of impulsive, aggressive, and violent behavior that are far more extreme than the situation warrants. Intermittent explosive disorder often occurs with other mental health conditions, but it can also be genetic or a stress reaction.

If you experience frequent unexpected outbursts of anger that affect other aspects of your life, you may have intermittent explosive disorder. This condition is more severe than typical anger issues and requires professional intervention and treatment. 

Live a More Balanced Life

Learning how to manage your anger can make a significant difference in all aspects of your life. If you want to know more about “how do I know if I have an anger problem?” or the effects of emotional trauma, call (520) 722-9631 to make an appointment with In Balance Counseling in Tucson. 

Can ADHD Cause Brain Fog? 

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause many symptoms that have a detrimental on your daily life. From an inability to focus and a need to remain in near-constant motion to talkativeness and memory issues, the range of symptoms caused by the neurodevelopmental disorder can make it challenging to cope.

Developing new symptoms, like brain fog, can add to the difficulty of understanding your condition. Many people ask, “Can ADHD cause brain fog?” and the short answer is, yes, it can. At In Balance Counseling, an intensive outpatient program in Tucson, we work with many adults trying to manage their ADHD and brain fog. Learn more about the connection here, and call us at (520) 722-9631 to make an appointment. 

What Is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is a common term for mental sluggishness; many people describe it as feeling as though they are lost in a fog, unable to concentrate, think clearly, or make sense of what’s happening around them. It can be a frustrating and often debilitating condition, as it keeps you from managing even the most basic daily living activities and being productive. It’s more than just mental tiredness or a lack of mental clarity: Brain fog is a series of connected cognitive impairments that don’t improve with physical changes only, such as getting more sleep. 

The Symptoms of Brain Fog 

Many of the symptoms and effects of brain fog overlap with ADHD symptoms. Some of the most common include:

  • Concentration difficulties 
  • Difficulty communicating (trouble finding words, mixing up words, etc.)
  • Slow thinking, including trouble organizing thoughts and mental exhaustion
  • Memory issues, including forgetfulness and memory lapses 
  • Difficulty with executive functioning, like making decisions about what to eat or which task to complete first
  • Careless mistakes, like misplacing items   

The Relationship Between Brain Fog and ADHD 

Although brain fog can result from illness, diet, sleep problems, and medication, can ADHD cause brain fog? 

ADHD can cause brain fog because of the cognitive challenges that come with ADHD. Problems with executive functioning are a hallmark of ADHD and can contribute to additional disorders like anxiety and learning disabilities. 

There are also some physical connections between ADHD and brain fog. ADHD often causes sleep disorders, and a lack of adequate sleep is a major factor in brain fog. People with ADHD also often have more cytokines in their brains, which are molecules that cause inflammation, which in turn can affect mental clarity and brain function.

There may also be a connection between dopamine levels and brain fog. ADHD can lower levels of this neurotransmitter, which can reduce motivation and focus. 

Get Help with Your Brain Fog 

If you’re having trouble concentrating and want to know, “Can ADHD cause brain fog?” the compassionate counselors at In Balance Counseling in Tucson, Arizona, can help. Make an appointment by calling (520) 722-9631. The team can also help you with other issues, like how to get someone to go to therapy, managing substance abuse, and other mental health concerns. 

PTSD and Substance Abuse: Understanding the Link

Several studies have documented the link between trauma and substance use disorders. People who experience traumatic events are more likely to develop substance dependency when compared to those who have not experienced trauma. Understanding the connection between PTSD and addiction is critical for proper addiction treatment and counseling. Discover more about PTSD and substance abuse and how to deal with them.

Contact In Balance Counseling today to discuss our intensive outpatient program in Tucson.

Understanding PTSD-Related Substance Dependency

People can develop post-traumatic stress disorder from experiencing adverse events, such as:

  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Violence against person
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Repeated exposure to adverse events

PTSD can produce recurring bouts of disturbance and anxiety, which can contribute to further mental illnesses such as depression.  

According to one 2010 study in the psychiatry journal Depression and Anxiety, nearly 60% of individuals with PTSD develop some kind of substance use disorder. Many who suffer from PTSD use substances to combat negative moods and thoughts from trauma. In that sense, substance use in trauma victims can often be seen as a type of self-medication. 

Signs of Substance Use Disorder From Trauma

Everyone processes trauma differently, so substance use disorders from trauma can present in a myriad of ways. However, common behaviors might include:

  • Expressing cravings or urgings for a substance
  • Taking larger and larger doses of a substance
  • Shirking social responsibility and engagement because of substance abuse
  • Risky behavior
  • Significant time spent acquiring substances
  • Increase substance tolerance
  • Changes in mood or executive functioning
  • Significant mood swings
  • Physical withdrawal symptoms after periods of non-use

Trauma victims may be more likely to use substances after experiencing external triggers that remind them about their traumatic experience(s).

Treatment for Co-Occurring PTSD and Substance Abuse 

There is no one singular solution for addiction, and clinics use several recovery strategies for PTSD and substance use counseling and treatment. Studies have found that intervention soon after the traumatic event can lower the chance that the individual develops trauma symptoms and develops a substance addiction.

Other research indicates that having a supportive social structure can reduce the risk of trauma-related substance use. This is one reason why peer counseling and group therapy are widely used options for managing PTSD with substance use.  

One of the biggest obstacles to treating the dual diagnosis of PTSD and substance abuse disorders is a lack of information and knowledge about treatment options. Trauma victims may be hesitant to seek counseling, and those with substance use problems may avoid treatment due to societal stigmas surrounding drug use. 

Substance Use Counseling in Tucson

Recovering from substance abuse is difficult, but you are not alone. Countless others have managed to heal and take back control of their lives. If you need some encouragement, read our blog to learn more about exercises for recovering from addiction

In Balance Counseling has been providing intensive in-patient counseling in Arizona for over 25 years. Contact us online or call (520) 722-9631 today to learn more about our counseling and inpatient options for PTSD and substance abuse.